The Standard – June 2021
Welcome to the June 2021 edition of “The Standard,” CIL’s newsletter for issues related to environmental, food, water, and human exposure testing. In this issue we highlight our new biomonitoring brochure, dioxin/furan mixtures for food/feed and GC-MS/MS analysis, nitrosamine standards update, a new product (glufosinate), and more.
Biomonitoring – Analytical Standards for Human Exposure Analysis
CIL recognizes that many organic contaminants are not only environmental pollutants, but may also be food and water contaminants, and ultimately compounds of concern in human exposure studies (exposomics). CIL has and continues to produce standards that fit the needs of leading exposomics research programs.
Dioxin/Furan Mixtures for Food/Feed and GC-MS/MS Analysis
Dioxins and furans have been considered one of the most toxic environmental pollutant classes for many decades. As has been evidenced from numerous accidental contamination events, they have also been one of the costliest environmental pollutants as well. Monitoring for these dangerous chemicals has been mandated for decades, and traditionally done by use of high-resolution gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (HRGC-MS).
Nitrosamine Standards Update – NPIP, NDBA, and NMEA Now Available!
In the past few years, several medications have been recalled as a result of the discovery of two troublesome nitrosamine impurities, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). While the amounts were extremely low, both compounds are suspected carcinogens and their detection in ingestible medicines gives a very high cause for concern. Upon further testing, another nitrosamine contaminant, N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA), was also identified in some medications.
New Product Release – Glufosinate
Glufosinate is an organophosphate pesticide that is becoming more widely used as an alternative-use pesticide to glyphosate. Glufosinate is a contact herbicide, as opposed to glyphosate which is transacted internally within the targeted species. There are currently no regulations or exposure limits set for glufosinate, though recommended acceptable daily intake levels have been established.
Chlorpyrifos Regulation Update
Chlorpyrifos has been a pesticide of concern for over 20 years, notably for neurotoxicity concerns in humans, and many states have phased out using the pesticide due to the human exposure concerns. Attempts to issue a federal ban in the US date back to 2007, but so far have been unsuccessful.