There are potential hazards associated with the use of chemicals that CIL provides. Customers are encouraged to consult standard safety references for the proper use and handling of CIL products. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for each CIL product.
24-Hour Emergency Response
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. and its direct subsidiary CIS are registered with Emergency Response CHEMTREC™. In the event of chemical-transportation emergency, CHEMTREC provides immediate advice for those at the scene of emergencies, then promptly contacts the shipper of the chemicals for more detailed assistance and appropriate follow-up.
CHEMTREC operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive emergency calls. In the case of chemical-transportation emergencies, call one of the following numbers:
Continental United States: 1-800-424-9300
Outside of Continental USA: 1-703-527-3887 (this number may be called collect)