SILAM (stable isotope labeling in mammals) refers to labeling an entire rodent with heavy stable isotopes for quantitative proteomic tissue analysis. Labeling an entire proteome with heavy isotopes in vivo generates an ideal standard for quantitative proteomics. When a heavy labeled proteome is mixed with an unlabeled proteome and then digested, every unlabeled peptide identified by the mass spectrometer can be quantified by its corresponding heavy peptide. The advantage of metabolic labeling over in vitro tagging techniques is that the heavy and unlabeled samples are mixed before sample preparation, preventing variability between preparations from distorting the quantification results. This is especially important when extensive sample preparation (e.g. isolation of an organelle) is required. In SILAM, the rodent food is altered to contain isotopically labeled reagents (e.g., with 13C6 L-Lys, 15N spirulina) as the protein source. After executing a bottom-up proteomics experiment, the heavy tissues are used as internal standards for quantitative proteomic analysis of basic mammalian physiology and animal models of disease. To help facilitate this type of metabolic research, CIL offers labeled (and unlabeled) Mouse Express® and spirulina mouse feeds (irradiated and non-irradiated). The Mouse Express feeds typically incorporate isotopically labeled canonical (e.g., lysine, leucine, valine) and/or non-canonical (e.g., azidohomoalanine) amino acids, with labeling on individual or multiple isotopes (e.g., NeuCode lysine). The spirulina diets comprise uniform isotope labeling, such as with 15N. Note that CIL can also customize rodent feeds to meet your research needs, so please inquire if you have specific requests that are not available from catalog.
Related Resources
➤ Stable Isotope Standards for Mass Spectrometry
➤ Mouse Express NeuCode™ Mouse Feed
➤ L-Azidohomoalanine·HCl
Application Notes
➤ Analysis of Whole-Body Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism in Mice Utilizing 20% Leucine 13C6 and 20% Valine 13C5 Mouse Feed
➤ Analysis of Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Human Cancer by Stable Isotope Labeling with Heavy Amino Acids in Mouse Xenografts Utilizing MouseExpress® Lysine 13C6 Mouse Feed
➤ Determining Protein Turnover in Fish D7 Leucine
➤ Stable Isotope Labeling in Mammals with 15N Spirulina
Researcher Perspectives / Technical Notes
➤ Stable Isotope Metabolic Labeling to Investigate Protein Turnover in Rodents
➤ Stable Isotope Labeling in Mammals (SILAM)
➤ 15N Stable Isotope Labeling Data Analysis
➤ Protein Turnover