Researchers in academia and life-science industries continue to implement a bottom-up MS-based workflow for protein biomarker screening. Biomarker verification/validation requires absolute quantification of surrogate peptides in the sample matrix, a requirement that is best achieved using well-characterized standards. To ensure robust quantitative measurement, quality control (QC) checks should be routinely performed.

CIL offers a collection of PeptiQuant™ Assay Kits (from MRM Proteomics Inc.) for QC and biomarker assessment using bottom-up LC-MS/MS methodologies. The QC kits are designed to evaluate the performance of an LC-MS platform, either alone or in combination with a human plasma proteomics workflow (see PeptiQuant Plus Quality Control Kits flyer for details). The biomarker assessment kits (BAKs) are intended to help researchers screen target panels of candidate protein disease biomarkers in human or mouse plasma samples (see PeptiQuant Plus Biomarkers Assessment Kits flyer for details).

Regarding the methodology, the PeptiQuant kits employ mixtures of synthetic stable isotope-labeled (SIS) and natural (NAT) peptides in the generation of calibration curves and curve QCs. The SIS mixes are additionally used for matrix spike. Quantitation is achieved via forward curves in the Plus kits (approaches described in PMID: 27341553). The validated assays were rigorously characterized according to the complete set of CPTAC (Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium) guidelines and are available for viewing on the CPTAC Assay Portal.

PeptiQuant™ Plus
Quality Control Kits

PeptiQuant™ Plus
Biomarker Assessment Kits

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