Metabolomics Mixtures and Kits
CIL offers an array of multi-component mixtures and kits for untargeted or targeted metabolomics research (for quality control, qualification, and/or quantitation). These mixes are for research use only and are offered neat or as solutions in their isotopically labeled and/or unlabeled form. The standards in the isotopically labeled mixes are uniform or partially labeled. In addition to the packaged mix(es), the kits are supplied with a user manual, which outlines general procedures and processing examples for user reference, as well as troubleshooting notes and analysis results. CIL’s mixes/kits are class-, pathway-, and application-specific to help address broad-spanning metabolomics applications. Outlined below is an overview of our current offerings.
Amino Acid Mixes
CIL has formulated various mixtures of stable isotope-labeled (and unlabeled) amino acids to aid research development and application of amino acids.
Bile Acid Mixes
To aid research and development efforts in the microbiome field, CIL offers stable isotope-labeled (and unlabeled) bile acid (BA) mixes.
Credentialed E. coli Cell Extract Kits
Using E. coli as the representative complex biological sample, the Credentialed E. coli Extract Kits are offered by CIL for untargeted metabolomic developments.
Yeast Extract Kits
The yeast extracts – U-13C (ISO1) and unlabeled (ISO1-UNL) – are designed for internal standardization (i.e., matrix spike-in) quantitation experiments and for quality control evaluations in untargeted and targeted metabolomics.
Organic Acid Mixes
To aid MS-based metabolomics research of organic acids, CIL has formulated a master organic acid mix. This single-vial mixture comprises 33 organic acids and is also available as an unlabeled mix.
QC Mixes and Kits
CIL is pleased to offer a variety of metabolite-based, QC mixes and kits. The kits comprise vials of dried-down metabolite mixes and have been qualified on both low- and high-resolution mass spectrometers operated under untargeted/targeted metabolomics regimens.
TCA Cycle Mixes
For the analysis of TCA-associated compounds in metabolic studies, CIL is pleased to offer stable isotope-labeled and unlabeled TCA cycle mixes. These-dried down mixes comprise a collection of TCA cycle compounds as well as offshoot metabolites.