Cell Growth Media and Protein Production
Preparing isotope-enriched protein using cell-based expression systems is the most popular method to prepare samples for NMR analysis. By far, the most popular organism used to express labeled protein is E. coli. Mammalian, yeast, and insect cells are used for protein expression when E. coli cannot express the protein in a useable form.
CIL offers a rich array of reagents and products to label E. coli, insect, yeast, and mammalian cells in order to produce uniform or selectively labeled protein suitable for NMR experiments.
Related Resources
➤ Enriched Cell Growth Media and Reagents
➤ Celtone® Base Powder and Celtone® Complete Growth Medium
Application Notes
➤ Efficient Uniform Isotope Labeling of Proteins Expressed in Baculovirus-Infected Insect Cells using BioExpress 2000® (Insect Cell) Medium
➤ Effective Site-Specific Isotopic Labeling (13C/15N Glycine; 13C/15N Phenylalanine; 15N Tryptophan) Expression Optimization Using BioExpress 2000® Media
Stable Isotopes for Biomolecular NMR