Chlorpyrifos Regulation Update
Chlorpyrifos has been a pesticide of concern for over 20 years, notably for neurotoxicity concerns in humans, and many states have phased out using the pesticide due to the human exposure concerns. Attempts to issue a federal ban in the US date back to 2007, but so far have been unsuccessful.
A federal appeals court ruled on April 29, 2021, that within 60 days the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) must either ban use of chlorpyrifos on all food crops or establish residue levels that are considered safe for children.1 This latest action comes after a December 4, 2020, interim decision that was issued by the US EPA which stated that chlorpyrifos would remain on the US market with additional restrictions, including revised spray limits, revised personal protective equipment recommendations, and guidelines to minimize spray drift.2 The next US EPA registration review process for the organophosphate pesticide class will occur in 2022.
CIL offers stable isotope labeled and native chlorpyrifos standards, along with standards for the major metabolite, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy).
1. Time’s Up for Chlorpyrifos on Food in the US. Chemical & Engineering News. May 7, 2021. Read more.
2. New Measures Proposed to Curb Chlorpyrifos Exposure. Chemical & Engineering News. December 8, 2020. Read more.