CIL has introduced the newly formulated two-column calibration series for comprehensive dioxin, furan, and PCB analysis. This series has slightly modified analyte concentrations, includes a new CS7H high-concentration level, and the newly formulated native PAR spike. A new native PAR spike for only dioxin and furan compounds was also made to match the dioxin/furan/PCB mixtures. Due to customer requests, CIL now offers lower-concentration mixtures for EPA Method 23 to accommodate lower contaminated sample analyses, or laboratories with fewer samples to run.

Related Resources

Dioxins, Furans, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Standards for Environmental, Food, Water, and Human Exposure Analysis

Brominated Dioxin and Furan Standard Mixtures


Isotope Label

Isotopic Enrichment Range

Molecular Weight Range

Product Form

Product Form 2