Dioxin, Furan, PCB Standard Mixtures
CIL has introduced the newly formulated two-column calibration series for comprehensive dioxin, furan, and PCB analysis. This series has slightly modified analyte concentrations, includes a new CS7H high-concentration level, and the newly formulated native PAR spike. A new native PAR spike for only dioxin and furan compounds was also made to match the dioxin/furan/PCB mixtures. Due to customer requests, CIL now offers lower-concentration mixtures for EPA Method 23 to accommodate lower contaminated sample analyses, or laboratories with fewer samples to run.
Related Resources
➤ Dioxins, Furans, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
➤ Standards for Environmental, Food, Water, and Human Exposure Analysis
Brominated Dioxin and Furan Standard Mixtures