Quantum Applications
CIL offers a series of isotopically enriched quantum-grade (QG) gas and molecules for various quantum applications. Quantum magnetometers, quantum key distribution (QKD), and future innovations like quantum computers and quantum internet rely on color-centers diamonds. Frequently it is based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center diamonds or silicone-vacancy (SV) center diamonds. Regardless of the method used to synthesize these NV-centers diamonds, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT), they required ultrahigh-purity starting material, highly enriched in 12C, and in the case of NV-center diamonds very low nitrogen content.
Over the last decades, CIL has worked tirelessly with the best academic labs and diamond-industry leaders to provide a starting material compatible with their applications. After extensive testing in multiple academic labs, institutes, and industries in USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia, in 2022 CIL decided to assemble a separation column to provide a continuous source of highly enriched 12C used to synthetize 12C methane for quantum applications. Since early 2024 the separation and synthesis systems are fully functional. This quantum-grade material is commercialized under the name 12C Methane QG-Diamond™. CIL’s 12C methane QG-Diamond material offers 99.99% (2N5) 12C enrichment and 1 ppm or less of nitrogen content. The product is available from stock and can be ordered via our website and through our distributor network.
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❛❛Isotopically engineered materials are essentials for quantum technologies. Availability of isotopically purified methane will enable growth of ultrapure diamond allowing to reach long coherence time of diamond spin qubits.❜❜
– Professor Fedor Jelezko | Institute for Quantum Optics, UULM, Germany
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Example References
Balasubramanian, G.; Neumann, P.; Twitchen, D.; et al. 2009. Ultralong spin coherence time in isotopically engineered diamond. Nat Mater, 8(5), 383-387. PMID: 19349970
Element Six De Beers Group. 2021. The Quantum World of Diamonds. YouTube
Taminian, T. 2018. NV Center Qubit. YouTube
Coopmans, T. 2018. Quantum Key Distribution. YouTube
Walsworth, R. 2018. Exploring New Worlds with Quantum Diamonds. YouTube
Jelezko, F. 2016. Quantum Control of Single Spins In Diamond. YouTube
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF. 2016. Detecting Tiny Magnetic Fields with Diamond Sensors. YouTube