Update on Halogenated Compounds from EURL
Halogenated compounds are often regarded as industrial contaminants due to their use in biocides and sanitizers; however, they originate from both natural and pollutant sources. Halogenated compounds contribute to the aroma of foods, with chlorinated and brominated compounds being the most commonly reported, but this may simply be due to the difficulty associated with analyzing and identifying other halogenated compounds.
During the 2022 Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA) conference in Prague, the European Union Reference Laboratories (EURL) for Halogenated POPs presented the latest results of their Proficiency Tests which involved more than 100 participants for dioxin, furan, and PCB analysis. CIL provides a wide range of stable isotope-labeled and native standards to support analytical testing.
The EURL for Halogenated POPs presentation also introduced the recent release of a new Guidance Document related to the determination of PFAS in Food and Feed in which members of the Core Working Group determined 27 compounds of interest. Full details can be accessed here. CIL provides a wide range of stable isotope-labeled and native PFAS standards, with still many more in development.
Dioxins, Furans, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)