Foodomics – Standards for Metabolic Biomolecules and Food Contaminants
Foodomics is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to study the impacts that food and nutrition have on a consumer’s health and disease. Factors that are evaluated include, but are not limited to, food composition, safety, quality, additives, adulterants, and contaminants. CIL offers an expansive range of stable isotope-labeled and native standards to assist with the analysis of metabolic biomolecules and food contaminants in foodomics research and testing.
The “Metabolic Biomolecules” section of the foodomics catalog outlines example biochemical standards covering a number of metabolic classes pertaining to the foodomics research and testing sector. Example metabolic classes included are amino acids and derivatives, carbohydrates, fatty acids and lipids, as well as vitamins and their metabolites. These metabolites can function as internal standards within metabolomic methods in food science to assess nutritional content, study dietary intake, screen for candidate or valid health /disease biomarkers, and gain insights into pathway mechanisms affecting human nutrition, among other application purposes.
The “Food Contaminants” section of the Foodomics catalog outlines example adulterants and contaminants that may become present in food or beverage products during the growing, preparation, preservation, or packaging processes. Example contaminant classes included are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pesticides, bisphenols, parabens, phthalates, cannabinoids, dioxins/furans, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), flame retardants, nitrosamines, and others. CIL’s internal standards allow for a high degree of qualification and quantification of contaminants to ensure food and beverage products adhere to safety and regulatory standards for applicable compounds or compound classes.
Related Resource
➤ Foodomics – Standards for Identification and Quantification