EPA Releases Draft Method 1634 for 6PPD-Quinone
The US EPA has released draft Method 1634 to test for 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q) in aqueous matrices, notably stormwater and surface water, by LC/MS/MS.1 6PPD-Q has been of great concern to aquatic environments since 2021 when it was identified as the primary cause of death to Coho salmon in the Pacific Northwestern United States. 6PPD-Q forms as an oxidative by-product of the compound 6PPD, which is used as an antioxidant and antidegradant in rubber products, specifically automobile tires.
CIL is proud to offer stable isotope-labeled and native 6PPD-Q standards used in the development of Method 1634. CIL worked with researchers in the early phase of testing to develop a 13C6- stable isotope labeled IS and unlabeled standard solution, then subsequently added a second 13C12-labeled standard and the D5- standard.