The Standard – June 2013
CIL is expanding! We are moving our corporate headquarters as our business continues to grow. Our Andover, MA, facility will be devoted entirely to production, quality control, and operations. We look forward to assisting you from our new corporate headquarters at 3 Highwood Drive, Tewksbury, MA 01876 USA.
Using 13C-Labeled Standards and ID-HRMS for Low-Level PAH Determination in Water and Tissue Samples
Pacific Rim Laboratories in British Columbia, Canada, has provided us with a look at why they now use 13C-labeled polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) standards in their analyses of water and tissue samples. Although deuterated standards are traditionally used for PAH analysis in environmental matrices, they may hinder the methodologies used for low-level detection required in food and water. Citing the need for extremely low-level detection, David Hope details how the use of 13C-labeled PAHs has helped him achieve sensitivities required for water and tissue samples.
Triclosan in the News
The popular antimicrobial agent triclosan has been in the news lately as the Food and Drug Administration is preparing to release a report on its use in common household cleaners and soaps. Triclosan has been a compound of interest as several government agencies prepare to release studies on its effects on the human body and in the environment, updated to reflect the increasing use and accumulation of this ubiquitous chemical.
Interested in PAHs and PAH Metabolites?
CIL is proud to sponsor the 2013 ISPAC (International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds) Conference in Corvallis, Oregon USA in September 2013. This meeting will focus on PAHs and PAH metabolites and will be attended by analytical laboratories, instrument manufacturers, and standards manufacturers.