US EPA Proposes Ban on Diuron on Food
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released revised human health risk and ecological risk assessments for the herbicide diuron. The 2021 assessments identified cancer risks of concern to humans as well as risks of concern to birds and mammals, terrestrial plants, fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants.1 The EPA is proposing new measures for mitigation of exposure by terminating all diuron uses on food and feed crops, non-food agricultural sites, algae control in commercial fish production, as well as reduced application rates and required personal protective equipment (PPE) disclaimers on paint can labels for the protection of occupational painters. EPA accepted public comments through June 2022, and the next step will involve looking to proceed with the interim decision to finalize any risk mitigation measures to minimize ecological and human health risks of concern.
1. EPA seeks public comment on measures to address human health and ecological risks posed by diuron. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2022. Read more.