Dechloranes are a class of highly chlorinated norbornene compounds, synthesized by the Diels-Alder reaction of hexachlorocyclopentadiene with various substrates. Dechlorane is actually a trade name for Mirex, indicating its use as a flame retardant compound as opposed to its more commonly known use as an insecticide. Dechlorane was used as a flame retardant until the late 1970s when Mirex was banned. As an alternative, industry turned to other related compounds such as Dechlorane Plus (DP), Dechlorane-602 (Dec-602), Dechlorane-603 (Dec-603), and Dechlorane-604 (Dec-604) to meet the needs of the growing flame retardant application.
Dechlorane Plus (DP) was manufactured by the Occidental Chemical Corporation (“OxyChem”) and submitted as an additive flame retardant for electrical wire coatings, connectors used in computers, and in plastic roofing material used for commercial buildings. While DP has been the subject of significant environmental research since 2006, related compounds Dec-602, Dec-603, and Dec-604 have only recently been studied as environmental pollutants.
Although the research is thus far limited, early studies in North America and China suggest that Dec-602 may be found in fish and sediment samples at levels similar to or even higher than Dechlorane Plus and Mirex, while related compounds Dec-603, Dec-604, and Chlordene Plus (CP) are often not found above the limit of detection. Dec-602 concentrations were found to be 50 to 380 times greater than those of DP in lake trout, indicating Dec-602 has a greater bioaccumulation potential. The estimated biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) for Dec-602 was much greater than for DP in Lake Ontario, and was greater than those calculated for PBDEs, indicating that assessment of some Dechlorane compounds is merited if use is ongoing or planned. In another study from Belgium, Dec-603 levels in blood serum were found to be higher than DP, Dec-602 or Mirex, which indicates that this compound may in fact also have a higher bioaccumulation factor. What is apparent is that further study of these compounds is necessary in order to determine their impact on human health and the environment.
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (CIL) is pleased to introduce 13C10- labeled and unlabeled Dechlorane-602 standards. Use of 13C10-Dechlorane-602 as an internal standard will give researchers an added level of assurance in their data, allowing for better accuracy and precision in quantitative analyses.
Shen, L.; Reiner, E.J.; Helm, P.A.; et al. 2011. Historic Trends of Dechloranes 602, 603, 604, Dechlorane Plus and Other Norbornene Derivatives and Their Bioaccumulation Potential in Lake Ontario. Environ Sci Technol, 45(8), 3333-3340. Read more.
Brasseur, C.; Pirard, C.; Scholl, G.; et al. 2014. Levels of dechloranes and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in human serum from France. Environ Int, 65, 33-40. PMID: 24440800