Plasticizers in Food Are Now Substances of Higher Concern
The REACH regulations (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of CHemicals) in Europe investigate and regulate the types and amounts of chemicals currently in use. Phthalates, particularly those used to make plastic goods for food handling, have recently come under increased scrutiny due to the large amounts produced. Regulations are in place to ensure that these ubiquitous chemicals are carefully monitored for their effects on the human body and in the environment.
Recently, greater attention has been given to the shorter-chain phthalate diesters' effects on the reproductive system and to unborn children. The possible toxic effects have led to several esters being placed on the list of Substances of Very High Concern under the European Chemical Agency, and further study will be necessary to track the fate of these compounds both in mammalian systems and in the environment. As more information becomes available on the effects of these chemicals and human exposure to them, expect regulations to be made accordingly.
CIL first listed phthalate solutions in 2001, offering several diesters in response to analytical needs in the environmental analysis community. By 2005, CIL’s offerings expanded to include phthalate mono-esters as well, and our 2010 catalog adds some 15 new phthalate standards to our offerings. CIL has an entire phthalate section available for your analysis needs.
Individual standards, such as those indicated in the article, can be found at that listing, and here are some of the relevant compounds from the article and from REACH directives.
Phthalates, Related Plasticizers, and Metabolites