The Standard – April 2019
Welcome to the April 2019 edition of “The Standard,” our newsletter for issues related to environmental, food, water, and human exposure testing. In this issue we have some exciting news about the addition of our newest team member, as well as news and updates on other issues in our community.
Move to Restrict Siloxanes in the European Union
Siloxanes are a class of chemicals recognized by their Si-O-Si linkages and encompass both linear and cyclic compounds. The cyclic methylsiloxanes have been heavily used in cosmetics and cleaning products for their emollient and hydrophobic properties.
Blood Pressure Medicine Recalls Expanded Due to Presence of Nitrosamines
Since July 2018 numerous batches of heart medications contaminated with known probable carcinogenic compounds have been reported. The initial recall of the blood pressure medicine valsartan has since expanded to also include the medicines losartan and irbesartan. The cause for concern and ultimately for recalling these medicines stems from the detection of known probable carcinogens N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). Recently, the related compound, N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutryic acid (NMBA), was also detected in losartan and irbesartan, sparking new recalls of those medicines.
Environmental Group Updates
CIL’s environmental group has recently undergone some very exciting changes and growth. As noted in our previous newsletter, CIL recently hired Hervé Mohr as the new EMEA Sales Manager for Environmental Standards. In addition, due to the tremendous growth of our product lines, we have recently hired Jess Keber as the new Account Coordinator and promoted Kayla Meehan to Inside Sales.