New Catalog Announcement
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (CIL) recognizes that many organic contaminants are not only environmental pollutants, but may also be food and water contaminants, and ultimately compounds of concern in human exposure studies. As our product lines continue to grow, we find our standards being used not only as “environmental” contaminant standards but increasingly in these interrelated applications and sample matrices. Whether you are testing PCBs in sediment, pesticides or dioxins in food and feed, PPCPs in industrial effluent, flame retardants in house dust, or PAHs and tobacco metabolites in biomonitoring studies, CIL has an extensive set of standards to meet your analytical needs.
As new technologies and applications to study environmental, food, water, and exposure contaminants advance, CIL continues to maintain a leadership role working with researchers to develop new standards to meet the latest needs. With new instrumentation and extraction procedures allowing detection limits approaching attogram levels in some cases, the need for highly accurate isotope standards has never been greater. In this catalog, you will find approximately 600 new standards for legacy and emerging compounds to supplement our existing stable-isotope labeled and authentic standards.
Our new catalog features these recently developed products, plus a whole lot more…
Standards for Environmental, Food, Water, and Exposure Analysis
• New combined dioxin/furan/PCB mixtures
• New 13C-labeled PAHs, PAH metabolites, and PAH standard mixtures
• Expanded offering of 13C-labeled and unlabeled PCNs and PCN mixtures
• Many new 13C-labeled pesticides, including fipronil and neonicotinoid insecticides
• Augmented list of toxaphene congeners, and new EPA Method 8276 standard mixtures
• Expanded set of tobacco-specific nitrosamines PFOS and other PFCs
• New 13C-labeled and unlabeled cyclic methyl siloxanes
• Bisphenol S and other bisphenol analogs
• Expanded phthalate monoester offerings
• New brominated, chlorinated, and phosphate flame retardants
• 13C-labeled short-chain chlorinated paraffins
• Various biomarker compounds and metabolites for exposure analysis