Multiplexed MRM-based Assays for the Quantitation of Proteins in Mouse Plasma and Heart Tissue
Percy, A.J.; Michaud, S.A.; Jardim, A.; et al.
Described here is the rigorous development and application of highly multiplexed assays for the in-depth quantitation of hundreds of proteins in mouse plasma and heart tissue samples. The method features a targeted MRM approach with stable isotope-labeled peptides used as internal standards. The validated assays have disease relevance and association to biological/molecular processes, and are suitable for molecular phenotyping as well as biomarker assessment studies. A collection of the validated plasma assays have been assembled into a quality control (QC) and a biomarker assessment kit (BAK) for the research community. The PeptiQuant™ BAK-81, for example, enables 81 proteins spanning a four order of magnitude concentration range to be quantified in mouse plasma samples through bottom-up LC-MRM/MS and a reverse standard curve approach.