TMTpro: Design, Synthesis, and Initial Evaluation of a Proline-based Isobaric 16-plex Tandem Mass Tag Reagent Set
Thompson, A.; Wölmer, N.; Koncarevic, S.; et al.
Isobaric tagging has become an established tool in quantitative mass spectrometry for an array of proteomic-driven applications. Given the demands for increased multiplexing, new isobaric peptide tagging reagents were developed. These reagents, termed TMTpro™, utilize 13C/15N isobutylproline as reporters instead of the classical glycine-based tags used in alternate isobaric reagent sets, for increased multiplexing capacity. Demonstrated here is the synthesis and performance of the novel 16-plex TMTpro reagents for use in discovery and quantitative MS proteomics. These reagents provide high labeling efficiency and quantitative accuracy toward opportunities for expanded applications in MS ‘omics.