Traceability to a Primary Reference Measurement Procedure (ID-LCMS): A Key Step in Validating the Clinical Accuracy and Safety of Hospital Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems
Wang, Y.; Hu, X.; Tang, J.; et al.
Considering the negative impact of clinically inaccurate blood glucose monitoring systems (BGMS), Wang and colleagues conducted a metrological traceability study of their isotope dilution MS (IDMS) method with subsequent comparison to reference and hospital methods for glucose measurement. IDMS involved stable isotope dilution (with 13C6 D-glucose) and LC-MRM/MS. Traceability of IDMS was established against NIST standard reference materials, before its analytical validation and calibration alignment against current hospital BGM systems in China. Results revealed the IDMS method to deliver highly accurate glucose determinations that could be adopted in accuracy assessment and performance evaluation of glucose monitoring systems used in clinical practice.