Isotopic Ratio Outlier Analysis of the S. cerevisiae Metabolome Using Accurate Mass Gas Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: A New Method for Discovery
Qiu, Y.; Moir, R.; Willis, I.; et al.
Analyte identification is a major bottleneck in metabolomics studies. The isotopic ratio outlier analysis (IROA) technique, which utilizes full metabolic 13C labeling to distinguish between two cell populations (i.e., experimental and control), has proven valuable in LC-MS analysis to discriminate between metabolites of biological and nonbiological (i.e., chemical artifacts and noise) origin. Here, Kurland, I. et al. demonstrates the application of the IROA labeling technology to GC-MS profiling (via electron impact and chemical ionization) of the yeast (S. cerevisiae) metabolome. Using accurate mass GC-MS data in combination with a newly developed algorithm for formula elucidation, the structure/identity of 126 yeast metabolites was characterized. This catalog represents a first step toward the creation of clean spectral libraries for improved metabolite identification of experimental samples.