Today is World Water Day!

Begun in 1993, World Water Day is a United Nations Observance held annually on March 22, focused on the importance of freshwater and sustainability of freshwater resources. This year’s theme is “Water for Peace,” with a strong focus on unity and cooperation aimed at providing stability for access to freshwater. Clean water is not a luxury afforded to all, and as of 2022 there were 2.2 billion people worldwide living without safely managed drinking water.1 At CIL, we support water-testing programs by developing standards used for screening for a wide variety of water contaminants of concern. 



World Water Day 2024


定期对饮用水、地表水和废水排放进行分析测试对于确保公众健康和环境安全至关重要。欧盟水框架指令和美国 EPA 安全饮用水法案等倡议提供 分析方法和标准的范围和方向。


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