CIL offers a multitude of unlabeled and isotopically labeled free amino acids for use in MS- or NMR-based metabolomics, proteomics, and structural biology. The amino acids are canonical (e.g., arginine, lysine, phenylalanine) and noncanonical (e.g., beta-alanine, citrulline, ornithine) in grades of research and microbiological/pyrogen tested (MPT). They are available as uniformly or specifically labeled with carbon-13, nitrogen-15, deuterium, and oxygen-18 and are often used as metabolic tracers, internal standards, or NMR probes for structure and dynamics.

Related Resource

Stable Isotope Standards for Mass Spectrometry

Stable Isotopes for Biomolecular NMR


Isotope Label

Label Type

Isotopic Enrichment Range


Molecular Weight Range

Product Form

Product Form 2